Tools and Resources
Your hub for the best support, advice and guidance to improve on-farm natural assets, while supporting sustainable and profitable agriculture.
Your hub for the best support, advice and guidance to improve on-farm natural assets, while supporting sustainable and profitable agriculture.
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Native vegetation in and around a farm dam has many benefits for water quality, farm productivity and biodiversity. This brochure provides guidance on the types of plants suitable for revegetating dams, and includes lists of recommended plants.
Watercourses and their accompanying riparian areas hold enormous value for farming operations and are important assets for production and biodiversity.
Ever thought about building a wildlife island on your farm dam? Artificial islands are great for habitat and refuge.
Join Sustainable Farms ecologists Dr Mason Crane and Eleanor Lang, and Local Land Services District Vet Eve Hall, to discuss enhancing farm dams for multiple benefits.
Thousands of farm dams dot the landscape and, with appropriate management, can help restore biodiversity by providing much needed wetland habitats for native wildlife.