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Rocky outcrops

Restoring rocky habitat on farms

On a farm near Young, NSW, PHD student Jackie O’Sullivan from The Australian National University has been investigating the impact of scattered rocks on reptile diversity. For landholder Sam Johnson from Boxgum Grazing, looking after natural assets on his farm is all part of managing an ecologically functioning farm system.

Sep 2022

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PollinationRocky outcropsShelterbelts

Powerful Pollinators: Encouraging insect pollinators in farm landscapes

Planting guide for North East Victoria, the NSW Murray-Riverina, South West Slopes and parts of Central Tablelands and Central West.

Rocky outcrops

Managing natural assets: Rocky outcrops

Rocky outcrops come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from huge granite boulders strewn across hilltops, to small collections of scattered rocks in a paddock.

PollinationRocky outcropsShelterbelts

Webinar: Powerful Pollinators

Hosted by ANU Sustainable Farms and the Wheen Bee Foundation, join ANU Professor Saul Cunningham, Sustainable Farms’ ecologist Angelina Siegrist, and Anna Carrucan from Wheen Bee Foundation discussing native and European pollinators and their effect on grazing and cropping.

Sep 2020

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Farm damsNative grassesNatural assetsPaddock treesRemnant woodlandRiparianRocky outcropsShelterbelts

Ten ways to improve natural assets on a farm

This booklet highlights ten discrete projects that farmers can undertake to improve the health of natural assets – such as dams, shelterbelts or riparian areas – on their properties.

BiodiversityRocky outcrops

Rocky Outcrops in Australia

Discover the incredible biodiversity on rocky outcrops and the importance of conserving these crucial landscape features.

Feb 2018

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