Published: 20th March 2025


New research highlights benefits of enhancing farm dams for frogs

A new study at the Australian National University demonstrates that well-managed farm dams have the potential to serve as vital habitats for frog populations.

Amphibians are among the most threatened animal groups worldwide, with habitat loss—mainly due to agricultural expansion—being a key factor in their decline. Frogs, in particular, need complex habitats near water to survive, but their limited ability to move between habitats makes them especially vulnerable to environmental changes. As natural wetlands and streams disappear, farm dams have become more common due to the need for reliable water sources for livestock. Many species, including frogs, now rely on these dams for habitat.

New research by the Sustainable Farms team at The Australian National University found that enhancing farm dams – through fencing to restrict livestock access and revegetation – can significantly benefit frog populations. The study focused on the South West Slopes bioregion of New South Wales and northeast Victoria, where extensive agricultural land use has dramatically altered natural habitats.

The study, led by Dr Michelle Littlefair, looked at frog populations at 85 farm dams in the region between 2020 and 2021. The research aimed to assess whether enhancing farm dams improved frog habitat and frog abundance and diversity.

Dr Michelle Littlefair
Photo: Nic Vevers, ANU

The research found that dams with livestock exclusion and well-established vegetation had higher frog populations than those without improvements (Littlefair et al. 2024).

Frogs were more abundant in dams with more aquatic vegetation and higher daily rainfall, while poor water quality (measured by turbidity and total dissolved solids) had a negative impact. Different frog species had specific habitat preferences: Peron’s Tree Frog (Litoria peronii) thrived in areas with woody vegetation, the Spotted Marsh Frog (Limnodynastes tasmaniensis) preferred floating aquatic vegetation, and the Eastern Sign-bearing Froglet (Crinia parinsignifera) was most commonly found in grassy edges around the dam. However, species responses varied, highlighting the need for diverse vegetation types to support multiple frog species.
Although farm dams can provide crucial breeding grounds for frogs, their suitability is often reduced by livestock grazing and water quality issues. Excluding livestock and allowing native vegetation to grow can help create healthier ecosystems that support more wildlife.

The study also found that poor-quality, unfenced dams may act as ‘sink habitats’ or ecological traps. In these cases, adult frogs gather and call to breed but lack the conditions needed for successful reproduction. This can mislead more frogs into unsuitable habitats, reducing population growth. Further research (Littlefair et al. 2025) confirmed fewer tadpoles in these unfenced dams, reinforcing the need for dam improvements.

Beyond benefiting biodiversity, enhancing farm dams also improves water quality for agricultural use. With over 1.7 million farm dams across Australia, this research provides valuable insights for farmers wanting to support conservation while maintaining productivity. Even small changes—such as fencing off parts of a dam or using rotational grazing—can make a big difference.

Beyond benefiting biodiversity, enhancing farm dams also improves water quality for agricultural use. With over 1.7 million farm dams across Australia, this research provides valuable insights for farmers wanting to support conservation while maintaining, or even improving, productivity.


Littlefair, M. et al. (2024) Management to enhance farm dam condition improves outcomes for amphibians. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 374, 109156.

Littlefair, M. et al. (2025) Enhancing Farm Dams Increases Tadpole Abundance. Ecology and Evolution, 15, e70803. 

Perons Tree Frog (Litoria peronii)
Photo: Daniel Florance, ANU

Published: 20th March 2025
