Yallock provides examples of restoring and managing existing woodlands, farm dam enhancement and shelterbelts and presents a good example of woodland management conservation in an agricultural landscape. It contains a large untouched remnant patch of woodland, which supports a range of threatened and declining species. Tony and Vicky have protected and enhanced this remnant through fencing and by planting shelterbelts and scattered individual trees. They have fenced off additional remnant areas from production adding to their remnant vegetation. Yallock also has large areas of native trees, mostly spotted gums, planted as part of a forestry trial, which provides supplementary habitat for threatened species such as the Regent Honeyeater and Black-chinned Honeyeater.
Tony and Vicky Geddes, Yallock
Holbrook, NSW
Tony and Vicky Geddes took over ‘Yallock’, the 1,151 ha family farm located north of Holbrook around 15 years ago. They run mainly sheep, some cattle, and incorporate dryland cropping of cereals, oilseeds and pasture crops into their farming system. Tony’s grandparents bought the property at a time when it was overrun with rabbits, which meant they could only maintain a small number of stock. They worked hard and managed to eradicate the rabbits. The farm now runs many more livestock. Tony and Vicky are in their 50s with a young family. Both work full time on the farm. Vicky manages their large herd of sheep while Tony focuses on cropping and other assets of the property. They monitor their soil and use soil supplements as required to enhance paddock performance. Tony and Vicky are committed to adopting cutting edge agricultural technologies to get the best results. They are also interested in trialling new approaches to natural asset management to improve their farm system.
The Geddes family have a long history with Landcare. Tony’s parents were early members of the local Landcare group, initiating tree planting on the property. Several of these plantings have been monitored by the ANU and Tony and Vicky continue to maintain these tree plots and corridors. They are active Landcare members and share information from Sustainable Farms through the various groups that they are involved with.
Video: Tony and Vicky Geddes took over ‘Yallock’, the 1,151 ha family farm located north of Holbrook around 15 years ago.
“Without the treelines, with a nude landscape, if you get out here on a hot summer’s day, it gets pretty oppressive; or a freezing cold winter without some form of shelter across the landscape, you look at it and think, that’s pretty oppressive.” – Tony Geddes
Natural Asset Management Practices
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