The property has implemented shelterbelts, and targeted management activities for soil erosion. In particular, Bongongo provides excellent example of riparian and wetland area restoration for species specific management (Booroolong Frog and Macquarie Perch). The Grahams have fenced off their permanent water courses and fenced off the tributaries to minimise sediments and nutrients reaching the main water course.
Paul and Rachel Graham, Bongongo
Adjungbilly, NSW
Paul and Rachel Graham took over ‘Bongongo’, the 1,800 ha family farm located near Adjungbilly, north-east of Gundagai, over a decade ago. Paul grew up on the property and is still farming with eight other siblings, many of whom are still in agriculture. The property and produces beef, lamb and wool. Paul works full time on the farm and employs a number of casual staff. It’s a traditional type of production system with a big focus on improved pastures, and soil testing to guide the inputs required to ensure paddock performance.
Paul and Rachel are active members of Landcare and have hosted field days before. In collaboration with the local Landcare group and with the support of government incentives, Paul has gradually taken on larger and more challenging rehabilitation projects over the years, gaining confidence in what he can achieve through practical experience. He establishes new fencing and buys thousands of plant stock every year.
A recent Adjungbilly Creek project involved planting along the creek that runs through his property and alongside the neighbouring primary school. He and his siblings attended this local school and now two of his children attend that school. Every year, the whole school engages in tree planting on neighbouring properties.
Video: Watch Paul checking young trees planted along the creek and assessing the revegetation.
“Like all farmers, there’s a history for why you’re here [on the farm]. You’re really just the next custodian. If you take that into account, you look after the land better as the next custodian.” – Paul Graham
Natural Asset Management Practices
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