Benefits of shelterbelts and biodiversity field day – Mansfield VIC

Benefits of shelterbelts and biodiversity field day – Mansfield VIC
Join us for a field day with Up2Us Landcare Alliance to learn ways to optimise the benefits of native vegetation for both biodiversity and production.
Angelina Siegrist, ecologist from Sustainable Farms, will discuss research from 20 years of ecological monitoring on farms and how to maximise the habitat values of shelterbelts and remnant vegetation.
- The value of remnants, shelterbelts and paddock trees for wildlife
- How connectivity and understorey shrubs influence bird diversity
- Options for enhancing remnant vegetation and plantings
Dr Rachelle Meyer from the University of Melbourne ‘Trees on Farms’ project will share new data on the benefits of vegetation for agricultural production.
Kerstie Lee, Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator with Goulburn Broken CMA, and the property owner, will also discuss some of the practical aspects of managing native vegetation and benefits for productivity.
This event is free but registration is essential by 27th April. The field day will run from 10-12, followed by a BBQ lunch.
For further information:
Contact Kim Magnay, Up2US Landcare Alliance – or (03) 5779 1593.
237 Rifle Butts Rd, Mansfield VIC
Date & Time
Registration is essential.