The Future of Farming and Biodiversity in the Muttama Creek Catchment

The Future of Farming and Biodiversity in the Muttama Creek Catchment
The evening celebration marks the closure of the three-year research project ‘The Future of Farming and Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes: the Muttama Creek Catchment Area’. The project team are delighted to be launching a booklet to share their findings.
Arrive at 6pm for buffet of locally grown pulled pork and salad / vegetarian quiche. Presentations will begin at 6.30pm. The event is by donation, we ask you to register for catering. All welcome.
Guest speakers:
- Peter Beath (Welcome to Wiradjuri Nation)
- Dr Jan Hanspach & Tamara Schaal (Leuphana University, joining via Zoom from Germany)
- Professor David Lindenmayer (ANU / Sustainable Farms)
The Muttama Creek Catchment stretching from north of Cootamundra to north of Gundagai, has been on a long road of change but is facing increasing volatility and pressures (e.g. climatic and weather pattern changes, demographic shifts, and market pressures). This made the area ideal to understand different farming land use priorities and to explore options to integrate profitable farming and successful biodiversity conservation.
In 2020, 94 interviews were conducted with people in the area. They helped identify four different viewpoints about integrating farming and biodiversity. In 2021, two community workshops were held to explore what people believed to be positive futures and ways to get there. The booklet summarises and synthesises the findings from this project and will be launched at the event. Complimentary copies will be available.
Artworks newly created for the project by acclaimed artist Julia Roche, pictured, will also be on show and for sale. Julia is an interpretive and abstract artist who grew up on a family farm near Wagga Wagga. Julia attended the community workshops and created artworks that captured the energy and emotions of the discussions about current issues, positive futures and innovations to help get to those visions.
The project ‘The Future of Farming and Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes: the Muttama Creek Catchment Area’ was a joint research project of Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany) and the Australian National University (Fenner School of Environment and Society), in collaboration with the Muttama Creek Landcare Group and supported by Sustainable Farms.
The Arts Centre, Cootamundra
18-20 Wallandoon Street
Cootamundra, NSW 2590
Date & Time
For further information about the evening please contact Gen at or 0408 417 247.