Workshop — FREE

Maintaining and enhancing your Box Gum Grassy Woodland remnants on farm – Cowra

Thu, 25th Aug 2022
9:30 am

Maintaining and enhancing your Box Gum Grassy Woodland remnants on farm – Cowra

NSW woodland ecosystems have been cleared by more than 90% across their range, resulting in many woodland plants and animals now being rare or threatened. Southern NSW woodlands are home to over 250 species of birds and nearly half of these species have declined in the past few decades. Many are now listed as threatened.

Join Dan Florance from Sustainable Farms in this practical workshop on how we can best protect and enhance our remnant trees on farms.

This workshop is designed to give us some tips and ideas on how we can help our patches of remnants trees on farm for the best chance of survival into the future. Understand just how important any patch can be within our larger landscape.

Morning tea will be provided, please book your tickets here



Pridham Centre
DPI Research Station
Binni Creek Road
Cowra, NSW

Date & Time


25th August 2022


9:30 am


12:00 pm




Morning Tea Provided