Biodiversity recovery after bushfire: webinar recording now available

Biodiversity recovery after bushfire: webinar recording now available
This event has now concluded but you can watch the recording below.
Join Professor David Lindenmayer from the Australian National University and Sustainable Farms ecologist Dr Mason Crane for a webinar on biodiversity recovery after bushfire.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Implications from the 2019/20 fire season for biodiversity, trends and areas of concern
- Lessons from long-term fire studies conducted by the ANU
- How to support biodiversity recovery after a bushfire
The discussion will focus on how these lessons apply to agricultural landscapes in the South West Slopes bioregion of Victoria and NSW, and surrounding areas.
For further information, please contact us by email or download the fact sheet, “Fire in farm landscapes: Keep your fallen timber and dead trees”.
Online (Zoom)